Dr. Ashima Sharma
is MD in Anesthesiology & Critical Care from Hyderabad
Dr Ashima Sharma is MD in Anesthesiology & critical care from Hyderabad.
Neuroparalytic envenomation: How to identify & treat- Dr. Ashima Sharma
In the second part of Primary Care of Snak... more»In the second part of Primary Care of Snakebite, Dr. Ashima Sharma explains the types of snake bites, symptoms of venomous snake bites & the bleeding pattern in the victim, and important characteristic features of neuroparalytic envenomation. «less
By Ashima Sharma | Sep 04, 2021
Primary care of snakebite: The first few minutes - Dr. Ashima Sharma
Dr. Ashima Sharma speaks on the immediate ... more»Dr. Ashima Sharma speaks on the immediate considerations at the primary care level for a victim of snakebite. She provides 10-step pointers for management, busts myths around use of ASV, and details on identification of venomous snake bites. «less
By Ashima Sharma | Aug 21, 2021