Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Tue 10 Jan, 2023 8:00–8:40pm
40 mins
What the session is about
Discussion (8:00 to 8:30 pm)
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea and OSA Syndrome
- Epidemiology
- Risk Factors
- Clinical examinations findings suggestive of OSAS
- General measures of OSA treatment
Interactive Q&A (8:30 to 8:40 pm)
- Register now and send your questions through the chat window
- You can also send questions 'Live' during the Webinar on Jan 10th through the chat window below the video
About the presenter:

Dr. Simhadri Naidu Karanam is a Consultant Pulmonologist at Divine Life Hospital, Adipur, Gujarat.
- Dr. Simhadri is a passionate doctor working in the field of Pulmonary, sleep and critical care and has experience working under the supervision of reputed doctors in Mumbai.
- He has attended various national conferences and presentations of different research papers and poster presentations.
- He has been a member of the rapid response team for swine flu and the recent corona pandemic (COVID-19) at Aiims Raipur.
- He has received appreciation from the faculty of different departments and the medical superintendent for his efforts regarding lectures about sensitisation and preparedness for the recent epidemics.
- He has been skilled in Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy, USG Chest, Thoracocentesis ICD insertion pleurodesis fibrinolytic therapy, Central line insertion and Endotracheal intubation.
- He has been a Senior resident at CHS Rajan between 2017-2018, & at AIIMS Raipur between 2018-2020.
- He has been a Consultant Pulmonologist at Amruta Medicare, Rajam in 2020.
Awards & Honors
- He has recieved 2nd prize for a paper presentation at NESICON 2013
- He has been honoured as the Chairperson at NAPCON 2021 for Virtual conference
- He is a lifetime member at the Chest Society of India
Academic qualifications:
MBBS, Katuri Medical Collage, Guntul, AP (Aug 2004 - May 2010)
DNB, K.J.SOMAIYA Medical Collage, Mumbai, Maharashtra (Nov 2013 - Dec 2016)