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MIP: Enteric Fever Management in Paediatric Patients: Dr. Shaukat Panjawani
Watch Dr. Panjawani provide a thorough exp... more»Watch Dr. Panjawani provide a thorough explanation of enteric fever, covering its causes, symptoms, and methods for prevention. He discusses the value of immunisations, antibiotic medication, and hygiene as well. «less

By Shaukat Panjawani | Feb 12, 2024

Management of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
Watch Dr. Nisarg Patel's clinical presenta... more»Watch Dr. Nisarg Patel's clinical presentation where he explains the diagnostic investigations and treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). He also includes the criteria used for diagnosis in India and potential complications associated with the condition. «less

By Nisarg Patel | Feb 09, 2024

MIP- Cancer Survivorship: Addressing Long-Term Effects and its Management- Dr Mohit Saxena
Watch Dr. Mohit Saxena explain cancer surv... more»Watch Dr. Mohit Saxena explain cancer survivorship, addressing its essential components, goals, care plans, and late effects management. He also emphasises preventive measures and safe vaccines for survivors. «less

By Mohit Saxena | Feb 04, 2024

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