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'Stem cell treatment can cure blood platelet problems'

IANS Mar 16, 2017

Stem cell treatment, which is effective in several health conditions, including spinal problems, can also help cure extreme blood platelet problems such as thrombocytopenia, say doctors.

The medical procedure has advantage over available treatments for blood platelet problems such as corticosteroids, blood or platelet transfusions and immunoglobulins medicines.

In a case study published in International Archives of Medicne, a 25-year-old man was treated for thrombocytopenia through stem cell therapy at a city based hospital. His laboratory examinations showed that his platelet count was 0.70 m3.

The patient underwent stem cell therapy wherein he was injected with 1 mL stem cells daily through an intravenous route. "The patient was monitored regularly for the occurrence of any reactions during the whole therapy. Platelet count increased to 1.01m3 following the treatment and there were remarkable improvements in other symptoms," said Geeta Shroff, Stem Cell Specialist, Director, Nutech Mediworld.

Shroff has also conducted successful research on patients with spinal problems, anterior cruciate ligament tear and curing them through stem cell treatment. According to Shroff, thrombocytopenia is defined as the reduction in blood platelet count below the normal platelet count distribution (1.5m3). It is the second most common hematological disorder after anaemia and equally affects both men and women. 

The decrease in the platelet number increases the bleeding and blood loss; and when coupled with other clotting disorders can lead to serious morbidity or death. "The proliferation and differentiating ability of stem cells has made this therapy an attractive therapeutic option. Stem cell therapy are being explored as regenerative medicine for treating various diseases due to their potential to multiply, proliferate and differentiate into any cell type. 

At the injured site, stem cell produce different trophic factors and reduce the cell loss, promote host regeneration, hence, restore the function," said Shroff.

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