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Jipmer to organize Workshop

UNI Nov 16, 2017

The Department of Orthopaedics, JIPMER is organizing a two day “Cadaveric Pelvi- acetabular workshop “ tomorrow and the day after. 
A Jipmer release here said, its Director Dr Subhash Chandra Parija will inaugurate the workshop. 






Pelvi-acetabular fracture usually occurs after high energy trauma. There has been a significant increase in patients presenting with these injuries in the recent past. These injuries can be fatal or severely disabling if not managed adequately. These injuries are also associated with abdominal and bladder injuries. The treatment of these patients requires a multidisciplinary approach. JIPMER has the state of the art armamentarium to successfully perform these complex surgeries free of cost for the patients.

 This workshop will primarily cover decision making and management of patients with pelvi-acetabular trauma. The highlight of the workshop is cadaveric hands-on training for the delegates on surgical approaches.The facility for cadaveric practice will be provided by the Department of Anatomy, JIPMER. Eminent faculty from all over the country will be part of this workshop. Delegates will also attend from across the country to participate in this course. This course reverberates with the philosophy of JIPMER in providing the best quality training in patient care in India.

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