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Jammu & Kashmir starts massive wall building against coronavirus

IANS Mar 13, 2020

Even before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared novel coronavirus as a pandemic, J&K administration had taken a slew of measures to check the spread of the dreaded virus.

All educational institutions, including schools, colleges, universities and coaching centres, were closed across J&K on March 11. Crowded places like cinema halls and other large gatherings have also been banned. After the WHO declared coronavirus as a pandemic involving more than 100 countries late on March 11, the UT administration has further raised its walls to prevent the entry of the deadly virus. As many as 1,433 travellers and persons in contact with suspected cases have been put under surveillance. Of these, 1,178 are in home quarantine, 17 in hospitals, 80 in home surveillance. A total of 158 persons have completed their 28-day surveillance period.

Seventy-four samples have been sent for testing, of which 29 have tested negative, one positive while the results of the remaining 44 are awaited. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has ordered that all incoming international travellers, including Indian nationals, arriving from or having visited China, Italy, Iran, Korea, France, Spain and Germany after February 15 shall be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days. "This will come into effect from 5:30 p.m. on 13th March 2020 at the port of departure," the order said.

The advisory further said that all passengers having travel history to coronavirus affected countries are advised to undergo self-imposed quarantine for a period of 14 days from the date of their arrival. "People are appealed that they should self declare about their foreign travel history," the advisory said. According to a bulletin issued by the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, coronavirus lab testing facilities have been started at the Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, and Government Medical College, Jammu.

In addition, one more lab has been made operational at the Srinagar Medical College on March 12. Control rooms and surveillance teams have been constituted across all the districts of the UT to meet any eventuality. Adequate isolation rooms and quarantine facilities have been kept ready in all the medical colleges, district hospitals and other institutions across the UT for quarantine and treatment of the infected patients/suspected cases. The bulletin said that the number of N-95 masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) kits have been made available for the medical and other associated staff.

"The government strongly urges all social, religious and political organisations to avoid large gatherings. While there is no need to panic, public is advised to maintain social distancing, avoid unnecessary travel and use of public transport and also take basic precautions, including personal hygiene, frequent hand washing with soap and observing coughing and sneezing etiquettes. "If anyone has fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, he/she should seek medical help at the earliest," the bulletin said.

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