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Covid- 19: Kerala Assembly session curtailed till March 13

IANS Mar 13, 2020

Amid the coronavirus scare across the country, the 19th session of the Kerala Assembly has been curtailed and will end on March 13 after finishing the listed business.

The coastal state is on high alert on account of the coronavirus cases reported in the country. According to latest state government figures, 3,910 people are under observation at their homes in Kerala, while 270 others are admitted in various hospitals. The total positive cases in Kerala are 16. Chief Minister mooted on March 12 that it would be appropriate if the business advisory committee of the Assembly decided to end the session.

Before the session started on March 13 morning, the committee met and decided to end the session after dealing with the listed business for the day. The session began on March 2 and was originally slated to end on April 8 after holding 27 sittings. It began with a discussion on the Budget and vote on account.

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