Annual ISCR Conference on Clinical Research from Jan 19
UNI Jan 18, 2018
More than 800 clinical research professionals from across India and abroad will participate in the two-day 11th Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR) to be held here from January 19.

'Collaborative Clinical Research for Better Patient Outcomes' is the theme of the the event, preceded by pre-conference workshops that deliberate on the collaborative role of clinical research stakeholders in a strengthened and improved clinical research regulatory environment. Briefing reporters, Conference Chair Ramesh Jagannathan said on Thursday that the Conference was being held at a very critical time for the Indian Clinical Research Industry.
''We have a significant task ahead of us in terms of not just strengthening the overall infrastructure for and governance of clinical research in the country, but also in empowering patients who are at the core of any clinical research activity. Patients First is an important ethos of ISCR and our 11th Annual Conference is also a renewal of our pledge to quality, patient safety and data integrity,'' he said.
Preceding the Conference are two days of workshops on various aspects of clinical research including evidence based medicine, pharmacovigilance, risk-based monitoring, clinical pharmacology and careers in clinical research, he added. The topics for the Conference have been deliberately chosen to be of relevance to sponsor, academia and investigator-initiated research and cover various aspects of clinical research conduct involving multiple stakeholders. Given India’s potential to emerge as a big player in data-driven clinical research services, two conference tracks have been planned focusing on Clinical Operations as well as Clinical Data Management/Biostatistics/Medical Writing.
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