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Sagar Hospitals sets an example of emergency preparedness

ANI Feb 12, 2020

Sagar Hospitals, on 9th February, executed a real-time emergency protocol when the staff members noticed smoke coming out of the power-backup UPS room located in the fourth floor, Kumaraswamy Layout branch.

While there was no fire at the hospital, a short circuit was the cause of the smoke. Meanwhile, the hospital management also alerted the Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services Department, nearest police station and partner hospital in the vicinity. As per the emergency protocol, the evacuation plan was put in motion immediately; a number of 68 patients were evacuated. Most critical patients were shifted to the Sagar Hospital's main branch in Tilak Nagar, and the remaining stable patients were shifted to a well-equipped partner hospital under the supervision of the Sagar Hospital medical team.

Sagar Hospitals is happy to share that the response time from the time of noticing the smoke to evacuation of patients was less than 90 minutes. "We take such critical incidents very seriously. An internal enquiry has already been undertaken along with all the necessary precautionary measures. But, otherwise, there has not been any incident related concerns. Hospital is functioning as normal and all departments have resumed work as of February 9 evening," said Ravindra Pai, CEO, Sagar Hospitals, while speaking on the commendable evacuation process. "The Sagar Hospitals management would like to formally acknowledge the hard work of its staff members and all other authorities for their timely response," added Pai.


Disclaimer: Image used is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent a true or accurate depiction of the news report.

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