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Zinc‐α2‐glycoprotein is associated with non‐albuminuric chronic kidney disease progression in type 2 diabetes: A retrospective study with 4‐year follow‐up

Diabetic Medicine May 06, 2020

Moh A, Seah N, Low S, et al. - Researchers examined the link between baseline plasma zinc‐α2‐glycoprotein and non‐albuminuric chronic kidney disease progression among patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. They examined adults having normoalbuminuria at entry (n = 341; age 57 ± 10 years, 52% men). The occurrence of chronic kidney disease progression was reported in 54 participants (16%). Chronic kidney disease progressors had elevated zinc‐ α2‐glycoprotein levels, and more progressors were allocated to the higher zinc‐α2‐glycoprotein tertile compared with non‐progressors. Experts found that chronic kidney disease progression was predicted by zinc‐α2‐glycoprotein, both as a continuous variable and tertile 3 (vs tertile 1), in the unadjusted Cox model. Overall, findings revealed a link between plasma zinc‐α2‐glycoprotein and chronic kidney disease progression. Also, the likely usefulness of plasma zinc‐α2‐glycoprotein was suggested as an early biomarker for predicting non‐albuminuric chronic kidney disease progression in type 2 diabetes.

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