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Wound drainage after proximal femoral nail antirotation (PFNA) fixation may negatively affect the patients with intertrochanteric fractures: A prospective randomized controlled trial

Injury Oct 15, 2020

Chang HM, Lu WY, Kuan FC, et al. - A prospective randomized controlled was designed to evaluate if routine drainage is beneficial for proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA) fixation in intertrochanteric fractures (ITFs). Researchers treated a sum of 80 individuals with acute ITFs with closed or mini-open reduction with PFNA fixation at the National Cheng Kung University Hospital and 60 eligible patients were assigned randomly for whether to receive suction drainage. For ITFs, blood transfusion requirement and total blood loss were higher in the drained group than in the undrained group of PFNA fixation. The data exhibited that the closed drainage system may have manifested no short-term benefit for wound condition postoperatively.

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