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Wound complication rates after vulvar excisions for premalignant lesions

Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 01, 2019

Mullen MM, et al. - In vulvar wide local excision procedures, researchers determined the rate of wound complications in this single-institution, retrospective cohort study of women undergoing vulvar surgery for premalignant lesions. In addition, they evaluated if antibiotic prophylaxis was effective in these cases. Among 537 patients, 154 (28.7%) exhibited wound complications. These were more common among patients who were white (83.1%), cigarette smokers (65.2%), had no prior vulvar treatment (54.4%), and had a preoperative diagnosis of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (vulvar HSIL) (70.0%). With regard to wound complications, no significant difference was seen between women who received preoperative antibiotics and those who did not; the antibiotic group displayed a mean length of wound separation. These findings justify interventional trials assessing how smoking cessation and prophylactic antibiotics can reduce postoperative morbidity in these patients.

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