Worsening racial disparities in patients undergoing anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in the united states
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Nov 22, 2020
Best MJ, Aziz KT, McFarland EG, et al. - In this study, racial variations in procedural rates, complications, and mortality were examined in patients undergoing total shoulder arthroplasty. Between 2012 and 2017, researchers examined National rates of utilization of primary anatomic (TSA) and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA). Racial differences in complications and mortality were ascertained by using multivariable logistic regression. The data indicated that racial disparities in patients undergoing TSA and RTSA are worsening over time. It was shown that black patients undergo TSA and RTSA at lower rates than white patients regardless of insurance status and have increased odds of complications and mortality. Improved initiatives are required to decrease these racial disparities and future study is needed to understand their root causes.
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