Work-related neck and upper limb disorders – quantitative exposure-response relationships adjusted for personal characteristics and psychosocial conditions
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Apr 07, 2019
Balogh I, et al. - The prevalence of complaints (Nordic Questionnaire) and diagnoses (clinical examination) were recorded to study the quantitative exposure-response relationships between physical exposures and complaints and diagnoses in the neck/shoulders, and the elbows/hands. They noted postures and velocities (inclinometry) of the head and right upper arm, right wrist postures and velocities (electrogoniometry), and muscular activity in the right trapezius muscle and forearm extensors. They noticed a relationship between head velocity, trapezius activity, upper arm velocity, forearm extensor activity, and wrist posture as well as velocity, and most of the neck/shoulder and elbow/hand complaints and diagnoses.
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