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Women with threatened preterm labour followed by term delivery have an increased risk of spontaneous preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies: A population-based cohort study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Apr 01, 2019

Cho GJ, et al. - Researchers performed a population-based cohort study to determine if a history of threatened preterm labor (TPL) followed by term delivery is associated with the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (PTD) in subsequent pregnancy. Using data of the National Health Insurance Claims Database and a national health-screening programme for infants and children in South Korea, they included 115,629 women with two consecutive deliveries during the study period. Findings suggest that compared to women with history of previous PTD, women with a history of TPL followed by term delivery display a lower PTD risk during a subsequent pregnancy, however, compared to those who delivered at term without TPL, they had a significantly increased risk of PTD. This suggests an increased risk of subsequent spontaneous preterm delivery in correlation to the history of threatened preterm labor followed by term delivery.
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