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Which socioeconomic factors affect outcomes following total hip and knee arthroplasty?

Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 07, 2021

Chisari E, Yayac M, Sherman M, et al. - The present study was performed to ascertain which socioeconomic variables are associated with poor outcomes following total hip (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Between 2015 and 2018, researchers examined a consecutive series of 2,770 primary THA and TKA patients. A multivariate regression analysis was conducted to distinguish the impact of each socioeconomic variable on post-operative outcomes. The data exhibited that individuals undergoing THA and TKA from areas with high unemployment and lower educational levels do have more medical comorbidities. It has been reported that none of the four socioeconomic variables studied are independently correlated with higher rates of readmission, discharge to rehabilitation, or worse functional outcomes. The results considered that patients from disadvantaged areas should not be denied access to arthroplasty care based on socioeconomic status alone.

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