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What is the optimal duration of human chorionic gonadotrophin surveillance following evacuation of a molar pregnancy? A retrospective analysis on over 20,000 consecutive patients

Gynecologic Oncology Dec 15, 2017

Coyle C, et al. - The authors planned this retrospective analysis to determine the risk of developing post-molar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (pGTN) beyond the first normal human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in women who have had a complete (CHM) or partial molar pregnancy (PHM) and to re-evaluate the current UK Hydatidiform mole hCG surveillance guidelines. For a partial mole, they recognized an extremely low risk of pGTN after normal hCG and advise one urine hCG at a month after hCG normalisation. For a complete mole (CHM), the risk of pGTN after normal hCG appeared higher. First normal hCG after 56 days seemed increasing the risk of pGTN 3.8-fold for a CHM. No change in the current hCG surveillance protocol following a CHM was observed.
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