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What interventions are effective in improving uptake and retention of HIV-positive pregnant and breastfeeding women and their infants in the prevention of mother to child transmission care programmes in low-income and middle-income countries?: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BMJ Open Aug 02, 2019

Ritchie LMP, van Lettow M, Pham B, et al. - A systematic review of studies that compared usual care with any intervention was conducted by the researchers in order to recognize interventions efficient in improving uptake and retention of HIV-positive mothers and their infants in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services in low-income and middle-income countries to notify programme planning. out of 29,837 articles identified, 18 studies were involved in the review. Only one meta-analysis of two studies and one outcome was carried out due to heterogeneity in interventions and outcome measures and a statistically important increase in antiretroviral therapy (ART) use during pregnancy for the integration of HIV and antenatal care in regard to standard non-integrated care was discovered. With small impacts seen across intervention categories for both maternal and infant PMTCT outcomes-based predominately on evidence with moderate to high risk of bias, the remaining studies evaluating other individuals, providers or health system interventions were incorporated narratively. Hence, a lack of evidence on the efficiency of interventions to improve uptake and retention of mothers and infants in PMTCT care was concluded. During pregnancy, the integration of HIV and antenatal care may improve ART use. Moreover, improved reporting of chief methodological criteria would promote the interpretation of findings and enhance the utility of evidence to PMTCT programme planners.
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