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Walking greater than 5 feet after hip fracture surgery is associated with fewer complications, including death

Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Mar 11, 2021

VanTienderen R, Fernandez I, Reich MS, et al. - Researchers assumed that patients who mobilize faster after surgical intervention would demonstrate fewer postoperative complications. Between October 2015 and September 2017, a retrospective review was conducted on patients with hip fractures. They applied physical therapy notes to track postoperative ambulation, and medical records were examined for 90-day postoperative complications. They included 163 individuals (64 femoral neck, 88 intertrochanteric, and 11 subtrochanteric fractures). It was shown that ambulating > 5 feet within 72 hours postoperatively are correlated with a lower postoperative complication rate. This research is the first to evaluate the association between postoperative hip fracture mobilization and morbidity and mortality.

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