WALANT for distal radius fracture: Open reduction with plating fixation via wide-awake local anesthesia with no tourniquet
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Aug 10, 2018
Huang YC, et al. - For distal radius fractures under wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT), authors gauged the perioperative variables and clinical outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). For distal radius fracture ORIF, WALANT technique comprising local anesthesia mixed with hemostatic agents affords a method to control blood loss. Without a tourniquet, the discomfort caused by tourniquet pain is prevented by this procedure. The active range of motion of the injured wrist, without sedation, could be performed by the patients to check if there is impingement of implants. The need of numerous preoperative examinations, postoperative anesthesia recovery room care, and side effects of the sedation were eradicated by it. Nonetheless, the contraindications included the patients who are not receptive to the awake procedure.
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