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Volume of urea cleared as a therapy dosing guide for more frequent hemodialysis

Hemodialysis International Sep 30, 2018

Leypoldt JK, et al. - Given that dialysate volume is employed as the primary parameter for small solute removal rather than blood-side urea dialyzer clearance (K) in prescriptions for more frequent hemodialysis (HD) with dialysis delivery systems that operate at low dialysate flow rates, researchers examined the volume of urea cleared per treatment needed to achieve a minimal dose of small solute removal for more frequent HD. They compared outcomes based on body surface area with those based on KDOQI clinical practice guidelines, specifically, a weekly stdKt/V of 2.1. Findings suggest that use of volume of urea cleared per treatment, calculated from the prescribed dialysate volume, for prescription of more frequent HD is a simple and easy to implement approach in clinical practice when using dialysis delivery systems that operate at low dialysate flow rates. Additional consideration is needed for other aspects of dialysis adequacy.

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