Vitamins for prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury: A systematic review and trial sequential analysis
American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs Apr 13, 2018
Xu Y, et al. - Whether vitamins, including vitamin C and E, would be efficacious for prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI), was investigated. Overall, 19 studies were analyzed. Relative to saline alone, the incidence of CI-AKI was significantly reduced by vitamin C plus saline and vitamin E plus saline, as shown in pooled analysis. Trial sequential analysis (TSA) further corroborated the impact of vitamin C plus saline. When compared as preventives for CI-AKI, no significant difference was apparent between vitamin C and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), between vitamin C plus NAC and saline, as well as between vitamin C plus NAC and NAC. Overall, vitamin C plus saline offered an effective reduction in the risk of CI-AKI and evidence for the use of vitamin E plus saline was encouraging.
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