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Vitamin D status and complications, readmissions, and mortality after hip fracture

Osteoporosis International Apr 19, 2021

Ingstad F, Solberg LB, Nordsletten L, et al. - This study was carried out to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D level and postoperative orthopedic and medical complications in patients with hip fractures. The impact of giving a single-dose cholecalciferol 100.000 IU was tested. Researchers collected data from the local hip fracture register. They further conducted logistic regression analyses including vitamin D level and potentially confounding variables for complications and readmissions. Out of 872 included hip fractures, a sum of 407 (47%) had low vitamin D at baseline. At admission, low vitamin D for hip fracture elevated the risk of delirium, a new hip fracture, and medical readmissions, but not orthopedic complications. The role of vitamin D supplementation to prevent orthopedic complications needs further research.

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