Vitamin D receptor activation raises soluble thrombomodulin levels in chronic kidney disease patients: A double blind, randomized trial
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Apr 19, 2018
D’arrigo G, et al. - In this post hoc analysis of a 12-weeks double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, researchers determined the impact of vitamin D receptor (VDR) activation by paricalcitol (PCT) on soluble thrombomodulin (TM) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), given high soluble TM levels underlie a lower risk for coronary heart disease in population studies. An inverse association of soluble TM at baseline with glomerular filtration rate and flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD) was noted. TM levels and FMD were found to be raised via VDR activation by PCT and such effects were rapidly reversible after stopping the treatment. VDR activation by PCT leading to TM rise may be a possible mechanism that could improve endothelial function and benefit vascular health in CKD patients.
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