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Vitamin D levels associate with blood glucose and BMI in COVID-19 patients predicting disease severity

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Aug 18, 2021

di Filippo L, Allora A, Doga M, et al. - For the first time in COVID-19 patients, a clear link was discovered between vitamin D (VD) levels and blood glucose and BMI. VD insufficiency could be a new universal pathophysiological mechanism that contributes to the negative effects of hyperglycemia and adiposity on disease severity.

  • The sample consisted of 88 patients.

  • VD insufficiency was observed in 68.2% of patients, with a median level of 16.3 ng/mL.

  • Male patients and those suffering from severe COVID-19 were more likely to have VD insufficiency.

  • VD was found to have a positive association with PaO2/FiO2 ratio and a negative correlation with plasma glucose, BMI, Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio, CRP, and IL-6 in regression analyses.

  • Patients who had hypovitaminosis-D and diabetes mellitus, as well as hypovitaminosis-D and obesity, were more likely to have a severe disease with worse inflammatory response and respiratory parameters than those who had only one of these conditions.

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