Vitamin D hypovitaminosis and efficacy of supplementation in spine surgery patients
Current Orthopaedic Practice Apr 26, 2019
Lindley EM, et al. - Authors analyzed 853 participants to study the prevalence of preoperative hypovitaminosis D in spine surgery cases and also to assess the effectiveness of postoperative vitamin D supplement regimens. Preoperatively, they noted the rate of insufficiency (20-29 ng/mL), 31.5% whereas the rate of deficiency was 27.7%. An increase from 19.7 ng/mL to 30.0 ng/mL in the mean serum vitamin D level of subjects with hypovitaminosis D was recorded at 6 mo postoperatively. They observed frequent hypovitaminosis D among subjects undergoing spine surgery. They, therefore, suggested to test preoperatively and prescription of supplementation for at least 3 mo postoperatively.
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