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Vitamin D deficiency and lower urinary tract symptoms in women

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Jun 15, 2018

Aydogmus H, et al. - In this case-control study, researchers investigated if there is a difference in the Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms frequency between women with vitamin D deficiency and the control group or not. They divided a total of 150 women who had a measured vitamin D level within a month into two groups (one with a serum vitamin D deficiency and the other with a normal vitamin D level) and evaluated them in terms of menopausal status, numbers of pregnancy and delivery, pelvic examination findings, pelvic floor muscle strength, level of pelvic organ prolapse and LUTS scores. Observation revealed no significant correlation between lower urinary tract symptoms and vitamin D deficiency despite a significant reduction in pelvic floor muscle strength in association with vitamin D deficiency.
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