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Visual hallucinations and sight loss in children and young adults: A retrospective case series of Charles Bonnet syndrome

British Journal of Ophthalmology Sep 18, 2020

Jones L, et al. - Given that Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) is a complication of sight loss affecting all ages, however, few childhood cases have been reported, researchers sought to expand on the associated clinical background and evidence of CBS in paediatric and young persons by a retrospective case series identified at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Searching electronic patient records identified 13 patients experiencing hallucinatory events over a span of 9 years. Eight patients have been diagnosed with progressive inherited retinal diseases, primarily Stargardt disease (N = 5). The clinical characteristics of young patients with CBS, management strategies and aspects of negative outcomes are identified. Further study requires high potential caseload and risk of psychological harm. Increased understanding among healthcare professionals and patient education to alert vulnerable patients will reduce the overall effect and enhance symptom coping.

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