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Visual function for driving in diabetic macular edema and retinal vein occlusion post-stabilization with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor

Clinical Ophthalmology Apr 23, 2021

Nixon DR, et al. - Researchers conducted this observational non-controlled single center study for analyzing the level of visual function in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) and retinal vein occlusion (RVO) post-stabilization with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor. They assessed visual function in two patient populations with macular edema: 25 with DME and 25 with RVO treated following the standard protocol of anti-VEGF therapy post- stabilization. In total, 68 eyes from 50 patients were analyzed including 18 bilateral and 7 unilateral DME, 14 patients with central and 11 with branch RVO. Impairment in contrast sensitivity in both groups could have an impact on daily activities such as driving, raising questions about how to advise patients about their level of function and the potential limitations/restrictions that should be placed on such activities.

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