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Visual field changes over 5 years in patients treated with panretinal photocoagulation or ranibizumab for proliferative diabetic retinopathy

JAMA Ophthalmology Mar 24, 2020

Maguire MG, Liu D, Glassman AR, et al. - In this post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial of 234 eyes, researchers sought to further assess changes in visual field (VF) throughout 5 years among eyes enrolled in the Protocol S clinical trial, conducted by the DRCR Retina Network. The authors discovered that eyes in the panretinal photocoagulation group had substantial loss of VF at 1 year and additional VF loss over time. In the absence of laser treatments, eyes in the ranibizumab group lost VF sensitivity after 2 years. The limited evidence available from Protocol S indicate that in eyes treated for proliferative diabetic retinopathy, there are factors other than panretinal photocoagulation associated with VF loss. More clinical work to explain the result is needed.

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