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Visual and refractive outcomes with the Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL vs the Visian Toric implantable Collamer lens: Results of a 2-year prospective comparative study

Journal of Refractive Surgery Jan 15, 2021

Brar S, Gautam M, Sute SS, et al. - In this prospective, interventional, non-randomized comparison study, researchers compared the 2-year visual and refractive outcomes with the Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (EP TIOL) (Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and Visian Toric ICL (TICL) (STAAR Surgical) for correction of high myopic astigmatism. The sample consisted of patients who underwent toric phakic IOL surgery in one or both eyes with either the EP TIOL or TICL for myopic astigmatism. In total, 50 eyes were involved, of which 25 eyes received EP TIOL implantation and the remaining 25 received TICL implantation. Both toric phakic IOLs were safe and efficient in managing high myopic astigmatism with similar visual results and patient satisfaction for at least the first 2 years postoperatively.

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