Venous thromboembolism and vascular access thrombosis in patients with end-stage renal disease on maintenance hemodialysis: Cross-sectional results of the Vienna InVestigation of AtriaL fibrillation and thromboembolism in patients on hemoDIalysis (VIVALDI)
Thrombosis Research Aug 26, 2017
Königsbrügge O, et al. – Objective of this study was to illustrate venous thromboembolism (VTE) and vascular access thrombosis in patients with end–stage renal disease on maintenance hemodialysis (HD). In patients on HD, thromboembolic events including vascular access thrombosis and VTE appeared as frequent complications. Furthermore, risk evaluation for thromboembolism, including sex and clinical parameters, seemed to identify high–risk patients and improve their clinical management.
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