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Vascular access type was not associated with mortality and the predictors for cardiovascular death in elderly Chinese patients on hemodialysis

Blood Purification Oct 08, 2019

Yu Y, et al. - In this retrospective analysis, researchers investigated how cardiovascular and all-cause mortality was influenced by vascular access (VA) type among the elderly (≥ 70 years) Chinese patients (n = 358) who initiated hemodialysis (HD) and received a primary VA creation at the West China Hospital. They also investigated the predictors for outcome in these patients. They analyzed information on clinical features, maturation, utilization, conversion of VA, and results. Among the elderly Chinese population, the modality of VA types displayed an insignificant influence on mortality. Cardiovascular mortality was independently predicted by diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and congestive heart failure (CHF), and therefore, in the risk evaluation of cardiovascular death, preoperative DBP and the presence of CHF might be of use. The necessity for additional investigations was suggested by the differences among nations in the areas of VA and HD.
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