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Variable vs fixed-rate infusion of phenylephrine during cesarean delivery: A randomized controlled trial

BMC Anesthesiology Nov 14, 2019

Hasanin A, Habib S, Abdelwahab Y, et al. - In this randomized controlled study involving 217 mothers, researchers compared variable infusion, fixed on-and-off infusion, and intermittent boluses of phenylephrine for prophylaxis against maternal hypotension during cesarean delivery. For this investigation, they divided participants into three groups which received phenylephrine by either intermittent boluses (1.5 mcg/Kg phenylephrine), fixed on-and-off infusion (with a dose of 0.75 mcg/Kg/min), or variable infusion (with a starting dose of 0.75 mcg/Kg/min). Compared with intermittent boluses regimen, both phenylephrine infusion regimens equally prevented maternal hypotension during cesarean delivery. The current recommendations which favor this regimen over a fixed infusion regimen might require re-evaluation due to a higher number of doctor interventions in the variable infusion regimen.
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