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Vancomycin-induced acute kidney injury in elderly Chinese patients: A single-centre cross-sectional study

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Jun 17, 2018

Pan KM, et al. - In order to evaluate the outcomes and risk factors in patients who have developed vancomycin (VAN)-induced acute kidney injury (VI-AKI) and to provide suggestions for improving the prevention and treatment of this condition in these patients, authors gauged the current situation concerning, and risk factors for, VI-AKI in elderly Chinese patients. Serum creatinine (SCr), too little use of VAN TDM, and a lower rate of patients whose VAN though serum concentrations were not obtained at the correct time were insufficiently monitored in the elderly Chinese patients treated with VAN. The investment in clinical pharmacists should be increased for strengthening the professional management. More attention should be paid to the patients with concomitant hyperuricaemia and on mechanical ventilation and vasopressor therapy. A higher serum albumin was an independent protective factor for VI-AKI.
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