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Vancomycin-associated acute kidney injury in Hong Kong in 2012–2016

BMC Nephrology Feb 11, 2020

Qin X, et al. - Researchers used the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System to examine the incidence of vancomycin-associated acute kidney injury (VA-AKI) in Hong Kong, as well as to explore risk factors for VA-AKI. Using 12,758 records, they identified 1,450 VA-AKI cases in Hong Kong in 2012–2016. From 2012 to 2016, the reported incidence was respectively 10.6, 10.9, 11.3, 12.2, 11.2%. They found significantly higher baseline creatinine, serum trough vancomycin level, systematic disease history including respiratory failure, hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, anemia and type II diabetes, and concomitant diuretics, piperacillin-tazobactam (PTZ) and meropenem prescription among VA-AKI patients who were older than 12 years. Increased risk of VA-AKI was observed in relation to factors such as older age group, higher baseline creatinine, serum trough vancomycin level, respiratory failure, chronic renal failure and congestive heart failure, concomitant diuretics, PTZ and meropenem prescription, and longer hospital stay, as revealed on logistic regression. Findings revealed a low incidence of VA-AKI in Hong Kong but no decline was seen in the incidence. Experts recommended monitoring of vancomycin level among patients with higher baseline creatinine, multi-organ diseases and multiple drugs administration in order to ensure reduced risk of VA-AKI.
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