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Vancomycin-associated acute kidney injury in a large veteran population

American Journal of Nephrology Jan 28, 2019

Gyamlani G, et al. - The association of vancomycin with acute kidney injury (AKI) in relation to its serum concentration value was determined. Further, an examination was done for the risk of AKI in patients treated with vancomycin when compared with a matched cohort of patients receiving non-glycopeptide antibiotics (linezolid/daptomycin). Researchers analyzed 33,527 patients who received either intravenous vancomycin (n = 22,057) or non-glycopeptide antibiotics (linezolid/daptomycin, n = 11,470) from a cohort of > 3 million US veterans with baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Findings reveal a higher risk of AKI in association with vancomycin use when serum levels exceed > 20 mg/L.
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