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Value-based evaluation of dialysis vs conservative care in older patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: A cohort study

BMC Nephrology Aug 22, 2018

Verberne WR, et al. - In this retrospective observational single-center cohort study in 366 patients aged ≥70 years with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD), researchers used a value-based health care approach (value = outcomes/cost) to compare survival, health-related quality of life—cross-sectionally assessed with the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form—treatment burden, and treatment costs between patients who opted for dialysis (n = 240) vs those who chose conservative care (n = 126) after careful counselling by a multidisciplinary team in a non-academic teaching hospital in The Netherlands. Based on the findings, conservative care was identified as a viable treatment option, specifically for the oldest old and those with severe comorbidity. Value was generated for older patients choosing conservative care and society by attaining similar outcomes at lower treatment burden and treatment costs.
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