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Validation of a risk calculator for conversion of hip arthroscopy to total hip arthroplasty in a consecutive series of 1400 patients

Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 18, 2019

Rosinsky PJ, et al. - Investigators examined 1400 individuals to confirm the earlier published hazard ratios for the predictor factors in a new cohort of hip arthroscopies with minimum 2-year follow-up and also to ascertain the accuracy of the calculator at determining conversion rates to total hip arthroplasty (THA) at 2 and 4-years follow-up. at an average of 28.4±22.9 months (0.2-115.8) after hip arthroscopy, THA conversion happened in 101 subjects. They noticed 75% and 73% accuracy at two and four years respectively in determining the risk of conversion of hip arthroscopy to THA using a previously published calculator. They also reported the benefit of providing information related to patient prognosis postoperatively as the calculator relied on intraoperative data.
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