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Vaginoscopy against standard treatment (VAST): A randomized controlled trial

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mar 01, 2019

Smith PP, et al. - Researchers performed a randomized controlled multicentre trial to assess the efficacy of vaginoscopy vs standard hysteroscopy in the outpatient setting at two UK hospitals. A total of 1597 women, aged 16 or older, who were undergoing an outpatient hysteroscopy were allocated to vaginoscopy or standard hysteroscopy using third party randomization stratified by menopausal status with no blinding of participants or clinicians. Observations revealed that compared to standard hysteroscopy, vaginoscopy is quicker to perform, less painful and more successful. Hence they recommend considering vaginoscopy as the technique of choice for outpatient hysteroscopy.
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