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Vaginal ring pessary use for pelvic organ prolapse: Continuation rates and predictors of continued use

Menopause Jun 06, 2019

Manonai J, et al. - Researchers performed this retrospective chart review study of women who had a ring with support pessary successfully fitted and had completed up to 3 years of follow-up care in order to appraise continuation rates of vaginal ring pessary for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Further, they sought for predictors for continued pessary use. Evaluation of a total of 289 women [median age: 71 years (range 34-83 y); the median parity: 3 (range 0-8)] with symptomatic POP (stages II, III, and IV) was done. Outcomes support the potential utility of a ring with support pessary for successfully mitigating symptoms of advanced stage prolapse for 3 years or longer. In addition, they identified proper self-management as a strong predictor for prolonged pessary use.
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