Vaginal dysbiosis, and the risk of human papillomavirus and cervical cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dec 15, 2018
Brusselaers N, et al. - Via performing this systematic review, researchers assessed the influence of vaginal dysbiosis on human papilloma virus acquisition, persistence, and progression to related cervical pre-malignancy. Out of 1,645 unique articles identified, inclusion of 15 mainly prospective cohort studies was performed; these were published between 2003 and 2017 and included a total of 101,049 women. The data supported the association of vaginal dysbiosis with an increased risk of incident human papilloma virus, human papilloma virus persistence, and high-grade lesions and cancer, but the comparison of women with lesions/cancer with those without was done regardless of their oncogenic human papilloma virus status. Overall, molecular vaginal microbiota studies displayed comparable results.
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