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Vaginal assessment and expedited amniotomy in oral misoprostol labor induction in nulliparas: A randomized trial

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jan 15, 2019

Win ST, et al. - Researchers compared regular (4 hours prior to each oral misoprostol dose with amniotomy when feasible; n=101) vs restricted (only if indicated; n=103) vaginal assessments during labor induction with oral misoprostol in term nulliparous women. Researchers conducted this randomized trial performed between November 2016 and September 2017 in a Malaysian university hospital. According to findings, women expressed a higher preference for the restricted examination schedule and were more likely to recommend such a schedule to a friend despite a shorter induction to vaginal delivery interval with regular vaginal examination and a similar vaginal delivery rate at 24 hours and birth process satisfaction score.

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