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Vaccination of young women decreases human papillomavirus transmission in heterosexual couples: Findings from the HITCH Cohort Study

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention Oct 17, 2019

Wissing MD, et al. - Given that vaccination against human papillomaviruses (HPV) prevents HPV infections and, consequently, cervical lesions, researchers analyzed the impact of vaccination on HPV transmission within heterosexual couples. For this investigation, they used information from HITCH, a prospective cohort study of heterosexual couples (women ages 18–24 years) in Montreal, 2005 to 2013. Data reported that among 497 couples, 12, 16, and 35 women took 1, 2, or 3 vaccination doses at baseline, respectively. At vaccination, the median age was 18 years. Before vaccination, most women had their first coitus. Investigators found that sexually active women's vaccination significantly decreased transmission of α7/α9/α10 HPV types in heterosexual couples.
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