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Utilization of peritoneal dialysis in the United States: Reasons for underutilization, specifically in New York State and the boroughs of New York City

Seminars in Dialysis Mar 21, 2020

Yap E, Joseph M, Sharma S, et al. - Researchers evaluated peritoneal dialysis (PD) utilization within the US, New York State, selected boroughs within New York City, and Boston, Massachusetts, by using data from US Renal Data Service. They compared the odds of opting PD with hemodialysis (HD) as well as assessed the impact of diabetes mellitus status, age > 65 years, gender, and race on PD utilization between 2010 and 2016. They also performed a comparison between a high‐volume PD center (HVC) vs a low‐volume PD center (LVC). The estimated odds of initiating PD compared with HD were: Brooklyn 0.30, Bronx 0.56, Queens 0.66, and Manhattan 0.61. In 2016, the estimated odds of initiating PD vs the rest of the US were: Brooklyn 0.14, Bronx 0.39, Queens 0.32, Manhattan 0.54, and Boston 0.89. In Brooklyn and Boston, PD modality selection was significantly impacted only by age > 65, of overall influencing factors. No statistically significant disparities were evident between HVC and LVC in terms of modality transition, peritonitis rate, or provider:patient ratio. In this work, factors that impact PD use in urban neighborhoods are described and remediation measures are suggested.

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