Usefulness of serum D-dimer for preoperative diagnosis of infected nonunion after open reduction and internal fixation
Infection and Drug Resistance Jul 04, 2019
Wang Z, et al. - Given that, following open reduction internal fixation (ORIF), infected nonunion is a serious complication, researchers examined if infected nonunion could be forecast by preoperative serum D-dimer. In this retrospective study, they enrolled and compared patients undergoing debridement and external fixation for infected nonunion (n=32) and replacement of internal fixation due to aseptic failure (n=34). Patients with infected nonunion vs patients with aseptic nonunion had significantly higher serum D-dimer level. For serum D-dimer, the threshold of >1.70 mg/mL was noted, with a sensitivity and specificity of 75.0% and 91.2%, respectively. Findings thereby support the possible utility of serum D-dimer level for preoperative prediction of infected nonunion in patients following ORIF.
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