Use of ultrasonography for evaluation of stability of lateral compression type 1 (LC-1) pelvic fractures to assist determination of treatment strategy
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jan 10, 2019
Zhang BF, et al. - Authors prospectively analyzed data from 22 subjects to estimate the effectiveness of ultrasonography in assessing the stability of lateral compression type 1 (LC-1) pelvic fractures to select the appropriate treatment approach. They observed 66.67% and 76.92% of sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography, respectively. They found no differences in fracture healing times or fracture-related complications at the follow-ups. Most of the cases were found recovered well with a moderate degree of consistency in Kappa values between the classification of stability and the conclusive treatment obtained concluding in ultrasonography as a valuable device for diagnosis. They also suggested left-right mobility ≥ 0.3 cm as the criterion to define instability.
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