Use of technetium bone scans to help predict whether patellar resurfacing will be successful in treating pain after primary total knee arthroplasty
Current Orthopaedic Practice Apr 26, 2019
Fine S, et al. - In this study, investigators interviewed 22 of 35 candidates to know whether technetium 99 bone scan after primary total knee arthroplasty utilization could predict if subsequent patellar resurfacing surgery would be successful. They used the following 3 outcome measures: level of patient satisfaction, amount of pain relief, and if the subject would choose to have had the surgery again. They observed 15 positive bone scans. Among those, 93% had good results and one had a poor outcome. They also recorded 7 negative bone scans including 2 with good outcomes and 5 with poor outcomes. They suggested a technetium bone scan as it might help to predict which cases would benefit from a subsequent patellar resurfacing procedure among individuals who developed pain after primary total knee arthroplasty.
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