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Use of dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 inhibitors and risk of splanchnic vein thrombosis: A Danish nationwide new‐user active comparator cohort study

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Dec 11, 2020

Pottegård A, Lund LC, Henriksen DP, et al. - Given that use of dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 (DPP‐4) inhibitor has recently been suspected of triggering splanchnic vein thrombosis on the basis of spontaneous adverse event reports, researchers reported the outcomes of a population‐based new‐user active comparator cohort study addressing this assumption, comparing DPP‐4 inhibitor initiators (n = 75,042) with initiators of glucagon‐like‐peptide‐1 receptor agonists or sodium‐glucose co‐transporter‐2 inhibitors (n = 38,718). No evidence of an increased risk of splanchnic vein thrombosis, including the lack of any dose-response patterns, was found in supplementary studies. As such, no link between the use of DPP-4 inhibitor and the risk of splanchnic vein thrombosis was identified.

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