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Use of clinician‐performed ultrasound in the assessment of safe umbilical venous catheter tip placement

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Apr 07, 2020

Seigel A, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective observational study to demonstrate the efficacy of clinician‐performed ultrasound (CPU) in the identification of umbilical venous catheters (UVCs) that are placed within small intrahepatic portal vessels or within the heart despite the appearance of being well placed on x‐ray. The sample consisted of preterm and term neonates who had a UVC placed and the position evaluated by x‐ray and/or CPU according to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital level 3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) guideline. In total, 157 neonates had 169 UVCs placed. Assessment of secure UVC placement by vertebral-level estimates on x-ray alone is insufficient. CPU provides confident localisation of the UVC tip and allows intracardiac or intrahepatic UVCs  corrective manipulation in real time. CPU is recommended as an x-ray adjunct to ensure safe UVC placement.

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